An excess flow valve is a mechanical safety device used primarily on gas or liquid distribution lines to reduce the risk of accidents. When activated, either by a significant pressure drop or line rupture, the excess flow valve will restrict flow or automatically shut-off flow.
ChemTec’s Excess Flow Valves (EFVs) are commonly used on industrial plant lines for CNG delivery, hydraulic systems, gas distribution systems, gas analyzers and more. EFVs are able to handle both volatile and non-volatile gases and liquids including but not limited to natural gas, ammonia, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. ChemTec’s EFVs can be field-adjustable or set to shut-off flow at a desired point.
Excess Flow Valves We Offer
ChemTec offers three types of excess flow valves: EFV Series, EFV Manual Reset Series, and the HPEFV High Pressure Series.
EFV Series
The EFV Series allows a controlled bleed in order to equalize and reset automatically. The flow rate at which the unit actuates can be changed externally by turning an adjusting screw. Requires an external by-pass to reset the EFV. Application examples include fitting failure, regulator failure, hydraulic control, gas analyzers, toxic gas and liquid releases. Units can be factory preset to actuate at a specific set point.
EFV MRS (Manual Reset Series)
The EFV Manual Reset Series automatically shuts-off flow. The unit can be manually reset by turning the balancing valve. The flow rate at which the piston actuates can be changed by turning the adjusting screw. When the unit actuates, simply turn the balancing valve handle on the side to reopen the unit. This ports the upstream pipeline to the downstream pipeline. When the pressure is equalized on each side of the piston, it will reset. The unit is returned to normal operation by closing the balancing valve. By-pass is built into the MRS version. ChemTec’s EFV MRS Series is used on plant lines and applications such as regulator failure, fitting failure, toxic gases and liquids, gas distribution systems, gas analyzers and loss control. Units can be factory preset to actuate at a specific set point.
HPEFV High Pressure Series
ChemTec’s HPEFV High Pressure Series controls high-pressure excessive flows. The unit is field adjustable, and a controlled bleed resets automatically. Applications include CNG delivery, high-pressure plant lines and hydraulic systems. Units can be factory preset to actuate at a specific set point.
*Note, calibration is performed using air flow equivalent to atmosphere.
Find High-Quality Excess Flow Valves at ChemTec
When you use an effective, high-quality excess flow valve, you can rest assured there are no major issues or pressure changes in your line—and if there are, your valve will automatically account for them. That means safety for you, your team and your system.ChemTec has the products to provide efficient and safe gas and liquid distribution. Plus, our experienced representatives are always here to answer any questions you may have. Submit an application inquiry to find the product that meets your needs.